Save Energy and Money
Located in Milford, CT and serving the entire state of CT to help homeowners gain knowledge about their home. Our mission is to help people save money and the planet by understanding how they can make their homes more energy efficient.
It’s about a lifestyle and culture change. To make conserving energy a way of life for us now and for future generations after us.
Areas of Service
Energy Assessments
We use specialized diagnostic equipment to evaluate your home. From there we use the results to make detailed recommendations to help make your home more energy efficient, more comfortable and save you money.
Home Energy Inspections
Are you buying a home and want to know how much energy it will use?
Already own a home, do you want to know where your energy losses are and how to save money on your utilities?
This inspection will help you make decisions regarding a home energy usage and what can be done to make it more energy efficient.
We provide comprehensive, easy to understand recommendations for insulation, window and door replacement, lighting, heating and cooling and more energy efficient upgrades.
Energize Connecticut - programs funded by a charge on customer energy bills
“As the saying goes, the Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones; we transitioned to better solutions. The same opportunity lies before us with energy efficiency and clean energy.”